Chevron Corporation (NYSE: CVX) Reports Third Quarter 2023 Results

Chevron Corporation (NYSE: CVX) Reports Third Quarter 2023 Results

   --  Reported earnings of $6.5 billion; adjusted earnings of $5.7 billion 
   --  Acquired PDC Energy, Inc. and majority interest in ACES Delta, LLC 
   --  Record year-to-date cash returned to shareholders of $20.0 billion 
   --  Announced agreement to acquire Hess Corporation 
SAN RAMON, Calif.----October 27, 2023--

Chevron Corporation (NYSE: CVX) reported earnings of $6.5 billion ($3.48 per share – diluted) for third quarter 2023, compared with $11.2 billion ($5.78 per share – diluted) in third quarter 2022. Included in the current quarter were a one-time tax benefit of $560 million in Nigeria and pension settlement costs of $40 million. Foreign currency effects increased earnings by $285 million. Adjusted earnings of $5.7 billion ($3.05 per share – diluted) in third quarter 2023 compared to adjusted earnings of $10.8 billion ($5.56 per share – diluted) in third quarter 2022. See Attachment 4 for a reconciliation of adjusted earnings.

                      Earnings & Cash Flow Summary 
               --------  -------  -------  --------  -------------------- 
                             3Q       2Q        3Q        3Q        3Q 
                 Unit      2023     2023      2022      2023      2022 
-------------  --------   -----    -----    ------    ------    ------ 
 Earnings / 
 (Loss)          $ MM    $6,526   $6,010   $11,231   $19,110   $29,112 
-------------  --------   -----    -----    ------    ------    ------ 
  Upstream       $ MM    $5,755   $4,936   $ 9,307   $15,852   $24,798 
  Downstream     $ MM    $1,683   $1,507   $ 2,530   $ 4,990   $ 6,383 
  All Other      $ MM    $ (912)  $ (433)  $  (606)  $(1,732)  $(2,069) 
Earnings Per 
 Share - 
 Diluted       $/Share   $ 3.48   $ 3.20   $  5.78   $ 10.14   $ 14.95 
 (1)             $ MM    $5,721   $5,775   $10,784   $18,240   $28,692 
 Earnings Per 
 Share - 
 Diluted (1)   $/Share   $ 3.05   $ 3.08   $  5.56   $  9.68   $ 14.74 
Cash Flow 
 (CFFO)          $ B     $  9.7   $  6.3   $  15.3   $  23.2   $  37.1 
 Capital (1)     $ B     $  8.9   $  9.4   $  13.7   $  27.4   $  35.9 
-------------  --------   -----    -----    ------    ------    ------ 
(1) See non-GAAP 
 reconciliation in 

“We delivered another quarter of solid financial results and strong cash returns to shareholders,” said Mike Wirth, Chevron’s chairman and chief executive officer. Earnings have exceeded $5 billion, and ROCE has been greater than 12 percent for nine consecutive quarters. Cash returned to shareholders totaled $20 billion year-to-date, 27 percent higher than last year’s record total for the same period.

“The acquisition of PDC Energy strengthened our position in important U.S. production basins,” Wirth continued. The DJ Basin now ranks among Chevron’s top-five producing assets. “We also acquired a majority stake in ACES Delta, LLC, the United States’ largest green hydrogen production and storage hub,” Wirth commented.

“Chevron is delivering strong financial results while also investing to profitably grow our traditional and new energy businesses to drive superior value for shareholders,” Wirth concluded.

                         Financial and Business Highlights 
                  -----  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------------------- 
                             3Q          2Q          3Q          3Q          3Q 
                  Unit     2023        2023        2022        2023        2022 
----------------  -----   -----       -----       -----       -----       ----- 
Return on 
 (ROCE)             %      14.5%       13.4%       25.0%       14.0%       22.3% 
 (Capex)           $ B   $  4.7      $  3.8      $  3.0      $ 11.5      $  8.1 
Affiliate Capex    $ B   $  0.8      $  1.0      $  0.8      $  2.7      $  2.4 
Free Cash Flow 
 (1)               $ B   $  5.0      $  2.5      $ 12.3      $ 11.7      $ 29.0 
Free Cash Flow 
 ex. working 
 capital (1)       $ B   $  4.2      $  5.7      $ 10.7      $ 15.9      $ 27.8 
Debt Ratio (end 
 of period)         %      11.1%       12.0%       13.0%       11.1%       13.0% 
Net Debt Ratio 
 (1) (end of 
 period)            %       8.1%        7.0%        4.9%        8.1%        4.9% 
 Production       MBOED   3,146       2,959       3,027       3,028       2,995 
----------------  -----   -----       -----       -----       -----       ----- 
(1) See non-GAAP 
 reconciliation in 

Financial Highlights

   --  Third quarter 2023 earnings decreased compared to third quarter 2022 
      primarily due to lower upstream realizations and lower margins on refined 
      product sales. 
   --  Sales and other operating revenues in third quarter 2023 were $51.9 
      billion, down from $63.5 billion in the year-ago period primarily due to 
      lower commodity prices. 
   --  Worldwide net oil-equivalent production was up 4 percent from the 
      year-ago quarter primarily due to the acquisition of PDC Energy, Inc. 
   --  Capex in the third quarter of 2023 was up over 50 percent from the 
      year-ago period. This includes approximately $400 million of inorganic 
      spend largely due to the acquisition of a majority stake in ACES Delta, 
      LLC, but excludes the acquisition of PDC Energy, Inc. 
   --  Quarterly shareholder distributions were $6.2 billion during the 
      quarter, including dividends of $2.9 billion and share repurchases of 
      $3.4 billion. Share repurchases were lower than the prior quarter due to 
      restrictions related to the acquisition of PDC Energy, Inc. 
   --  The company's Board of Directors declared a quarterly dividend of one 
      dollar and fifty-one cents ($1.51) per share, payable December 11, 2023, 
      to all holders of common stock as shown on the transfer records of the 
      corporation at the close of business on November 17, 2023.

Business Highlights

   --  Completed the acquisition of PDC Energy, Inc., enhancing the company's 
      strong presence in the DJ and Permian Basins in the United States. 
   --  Completed the acquisition of a majority stake in ACES Delta, LLC, which 
      is developing a lower carbon intensity hydrogen production and storage 
      hub in Utah. 
   --  Converted the diesel hydrotreater at the El Segundo, California 
      refinery to process either 100 percent renewable or traditional 
   --  Started operations on a solar power project with a joint venture 
      partner in New Mexico to provide lower carbon energy for the Permian 
   --  Announced a definitive agreement to acquire Hess Corporation, which is 
      expected to strengthen Chevron's long-term performance by adding 
      world-class assets and people. 
                         Segment Highlights 
                 ------  ------  -------  -------  ----------------- 
                             3Q       2Q       3Q       3Q 
U.S. Upstream     Unit     2023     2023     2022     2023   3Q 2022 
---------------  ------   -----   ------   ------   ------   ------- 
Earnings / 
 (Loss)           $ MM   $2,074  $ 1,640  $ 3,398  $ 5,495  $ 10,004 
 Production      MBOED    1,407    1,219    1,176    1,265     1,177 
   Production     MBD     1,028      916      891      941       886 
  Natural Gas 
   Production    MMCFD    2,275    1,817    1,708    1,947     1,747 
 Realization     $/BBL   $   62  $    56  $    76  $    59  $     80 
Natural Gas 
 Realization     $/MCF   $ 1.39  $  1.23  $  7.05  $  1.69  $   5.76 
---------------  ------   -----   ------   ------   ------   ------- 
   --  U.S. upstream earnings were lower than a year ago, primarily on lower 
      realizations partially offset by earnings associated with PDC Energy, 
   --  U.S. net oil-equivalent production was up 20 percent from third quarter 
      2022 and set a new quarterly record, primarily due to the acquisition of 
      PDC Energy, Inc., which added 179,000 oil-equivalent barrels per day 
      during the quarter, and net production increases in the Permian Basin. 
                 ------  -------  -------  -------  ---------------- 
International                 3Q       2Q       3Q       3Q       3Q 
Upstream          Unit      2023     2023     2022     2023     2022 
---------------  ------   ------   ------   ------   ------   ------ 
Earnings / 
 (Loss) (1)       $ MM   $ 3,681  $ 3,296  $ 5,909  $10,357  $14,794 
 Production      MBOED     1,739    1,740    1,851    1,763    1,817 
   Production     MBD        803      827      816      826      824 
  Natural Gas 
   Production    MMCFD     5,616    5,478    6,212    5,621    5,960 
 Realization     $/BBL   $    76  $    68  $    89  $    71  $    95 
Natural Gas 
 Realization     $/MCF   $  6.96  $  7.50  $ 10.36  $  7.81  $  9.56 
---------------  ------   ------   ------   ------   ------   ------ 
(1) Includes 
 effects          $ MM   $   584  $    10  $   440  $   538  $   899 
   --  International upstream earnings were lower than a year ago primarily 
      due to lower realizations and lower sales volumes, partially offset by a 
      favorable one-time tax benefit of $560 million in Nigeria and foreign 
      currency effects. 
   --  Net oil-equivalent production was down 112,000 barrels per day from a 
      year earlier primarily due to higher impacts from turnarounds, shutdowns 
      and normal field declines.
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