Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) had revenue of $117.15 billion in Q1 2023

Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) revenue for the first quarter of fiscal 2023 was $117.15 billion, versus market expectations of $121.14 billion; Q1 IPHONE revenue was US$65.78 billion, market expectations were US$68.3 billion, first-quarter services revenue was US$20.77 billion, market expectations were US$20.47 billion, first-quarter Greater China revenue was US$23.91 billion, market expectations were US$21.8 billion;In the first quarter, Mac revenue was $7.74 billion, compared with market expectations of $9.72 billion; iPad revenue in the first quarter was $9.40 billion, market expectations were $7.78 billion; and first-quarter wearables, home and accessories revenue was $13.48 billion, market expectations were $15.32 billion.

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