Lockheed Martin Reports Third Quarter 2023 Financial Results

Lockheed Martin Reports Third Quarter 2023 Financial Results

BETHESDA, Md., Oct. 17, 2023

   -- Net sales of $16.9 billion, an increase of 2% year-over-year 
   -- Net earnings of $1.7 billion, or $6.73 per share 
   -- Cash from operations of $2.9 billion and free cash flow of $2.5 billion 
   -- $2.5 billion of cash returned to shareholders through dividends and share 
   -- Increased share repurchase authority by $6.0 billion to a total 
      authorization of $13.0 billion 
   -- Increased quarterly dividend to $3.15 per share 
   -- Reaffirms 2023 financial outlook

Lockheed Martin Corporation (NYSE: LMT) today reported third quarter 2023 net sales of $16.9 billion, compared to $16.6 billion in the third quarter of 2022. Net earnings in the third quarter of 2023 were $1.7 billion, or $6.73 per share, compared to $1.8 billion, or $6.71 per share, in the third quarter of 2022. Cash from operations was $2.9 billion in the third quarter of 2023, compared to $3.1 billion in the third quarter of 2022. Free cash flow was $2.5 billion in the third quarter of 2023, compared to $2.7 billion in the third quarter of 2022.

“Our third quarter results were at or above our expectations across the board, generating $2.5 billion of free cash flow, with nearly 100% returned to shareholders through dividends and share repurchases.” said Lockheed Martin Chairman, President and CEO Jim Taiclet. “Our backlog remains robust at $156 billion as both domestic and international orders were strong. Moreover, our 21st Century Security strategy is resulting in new business successes, including the award of the transformational AIR6500 integrated air and missile defense program by the Australian Defence Force, which will serve as a blueprint for future joint all-domain operations worldwide.

Looking ahead, we’ll continue to pursue our strategy of building capacity, efficiency and resilience into our production operations, driving advanced digital technologies to enhance integrated deterrence through collaboration with our customers and tech and aerospace industry partners, and expanding our international business and operations. This strategy is designed to drive growth in our traditional platforms and systems, augmented with digital service revenues over time, which in turn will support our dynamic capital allocation process to reward shareholders.”

Adjusted earnings before income taxes, net earnings and diluted EPS

The table below shows the impact to earnings before income taxes, net earnings and diluted earnings per share (EPS) for certain non-operational items:

    (in millions, 
    except per share 
    data)                                           Quarters Ended 
                                    Sept. 24,                            Sept. 25, 
                                       2023                                 2022 
                        Earnings                             Earnings 
                         Before                               Before 
                         Income       Net        Diluted      Income       Net        Diluted 
                          Taxes     Earnings       EPS         Taxes     Earnings       EPS 
                       ----------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ----------  ----------- 
 As Reported 
  (GAAP)               $    1,953  $    1,684  $      6.73  $    2,099  $    1,778  $      6.71 
   losses(1)                   14          11         0.04          59          45         0.16 
 As Adjusted 
  (Non-GAAP)(2)        $    1,967  $    1,695  $      6.77  $    2,158  $    1,823  $      6.87 
                       ==========  ==========  ===========  ==========  ==========  =========== 
 1  Includes changes in valuations of the company's net assets and liabilities for 
    deferred compensation plans and early-stage company investments. 
 2  See the "Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures" section of this news release for 
    more information.

Summary Financial Results

The following table presents the company’s summary financial results.

    (in millions, 
    except per 
    share data)                   Quarters Ended                         Nine Months Ended 
                     ----------------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
                          Sept. 24,            Sept. 25,           Sept. 24,           Sept. 25, 
                             2023                 2022                2023                2022 
                     -------------------  -------------------  ------------------  ----------------- 
 Net sales             $          16,878    $          16,583   $          48,697   $         46,993 
                     ===================  ===================  ==================  ================= 
  profit(1,2)         $            1,810   $            1,918  $            5,347  $           5,399 
   adjustment                        414                  430               1,245              1,281 
   expense(2)                       (61)                 (62)               (185)              (186) 
  Other, net(3)                    (121)                (127)               (193)              (439) 
                     -------------------  -------------------  ------------------  ----------------- 
   items                             232                  241                 867                656 
                     -------------------  -------------------  ------------------  ----------------- 
  profit              $            2,042   $            2,159  $            6,214  $           6,055 
                     ===================  ===================  ==================  ================= 
  earnings(3,4)       $            1,684   $            1,778  $            5,054  $           3,820 
                     ===================  ===================  ==================  ================= 
  earnings per 
  share(3,4)         $              6.73  $              6.71  $            19.97  $           14.31 
                     ===================  ===================  ==================  ================= 
 Cash from 
  operations(5)       $            2,891   $            3,133  $            5,555  $           5,874 
   expenditures                    (364)                (405)               (987)              (977) 
                     -------------------  -------------------  ------------------  ----------------- 
 Free cash 
  flow(1,5)           $            2,527   $            2,728  $            4,568  $           4,897 
                     ===================  ===================  ==================  ================= 
 1  Business segment operating profit and free cash flow are non-GAAP measures. See 
    the "Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures" section of this news release for more 
 2  Effective Jan. 1, 2023, the company reclassified intangible asset amortization 
    expense out of the business segment operating profit and into the unallocated 
    items line item to better align with how management views and manages the 
    business. The 2022 amounts reflect the impact of this change. 
 3  Other, net for the quarter ended Sept. 24, 2023 included insignificant net 
    losses due to changes in the fair value of net assets and liabilities for 
    deferred compensation plans, compared to net losses of $33 million ($25 million, 
    or $0.09 per share, after-tax) for the quarter ended Sept. 25, 2022. 
 4  Net earnings for the quarters ended Sept. 24, 2023 and Sept. 25, 2022 included 
    net losses of $13 million ($10 million, or $0.04 per share, after-tax) and $26 
    million ($20 million, or $0.07 per share, after-tax) due to changes in the fair 
    value of early-stage company investments. 
 5  See the "Cash Flows and Capital Deployment Activities" section of this news 
    release for more information. 

2023 Financial Outlook

The following table and other sections of this news release contain forward-looking statements, which are based on the company’s current expectations. Actual results may differ materially from those projected. It is the company’s practice not to incorporate adjustments into its financial outlook for proposed acquisitions, divestitures, ventures, pension risk transfer transactions, financing transactions, changes in law, or new accounting standards until such items have been consummated, enacted or adopted. For additional factors that may impact the company’s actual results, refer to the “Forward-Looking Statements” section in this news release.

    (in millions, except per share 
    data)                                    Current 2023 Outlook(1) 
 Net sales                                     $66,250 - $66,750 
 Business segment operating 
  profit(2)                                     $7,325 - $7,375 
 Total FAS/CAS pension adjustment(3)                 $2,100 
    Diluted earnings per share                  $27.00 - $27.20 
 Cash from operations                                $8,150 
  Capital expenditures                              $(1,950) 
 Free cash flow(2)                                  >=$6,200 
 1  The company's current 2023 financial outlook does not include any 
     future gains or losses related to changes in valuations of the 
     company's net assets and liabilities for deferred compensation
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