PR Newswire

CHICAGO, Feb. 5, 2024

   -- Global comparable sales have grown 9% for the year and over 30% since 
   -- Systemwide sales* to loyalty members were over $20 billion for the full 
      year and over $6 billion for the quarter across 50 loyalty markets, with 
      full year growth of more than 45% over prior year

CHICAGO, Feb. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — McDonald’s Corporation today announced results for the fourth quarter and year ended December 31, 2023.

“Our global comparable sales growth of 9% for the year is a testament to the tremendous dedication of the entire McDonald’s System,” said McDonald’s President and CEO Chris Kempczinski. “Strong execution of our Accelerating the Arches strategy has driven over 30% comparable sales growth since 2019 as our talented crew members, and the industry’s best franchisees and suppliers have demonstrated proven agility with a relentless focus on the customer. By evolving the way we work across the System, we remain confident in the resilience of our business amid macro challenges that will persist in 2024.”

Fourth quarter financial performance:

   -- Global comparable sales increased 3.4%, reflecting positive comparable 
      sales across all segments: 
          -- U.S. increased 4.3% 
          -- International Operated Markets segment increased 4.4% 
          -- International Developmental Licensed Markets segment increased 
             0.7%, reflecting the impact of the war in the Middle East 
   -- Consolidated revenues increased 8% (6% in constant currencies). 
   -- Systemwide sales increased 6% (5% in constant currencies). 
   -- Consolidated operating income increased 8% (6% in constant currencies). 
      Results included $72 million of pre-tax charges related to the write-off 
      of impaired software no longer in use and $66 million of pre-tax charges 
      related to the Company's Accelerating the Arches growth strategy, 
      including restructuring costs associated with Accelerating the 
      Organization. Excluding these charges, consolidated operating income 
      increased 14% (11% in constant currencies).** 
   -- Diluted earnings per share was $2.80, an increase of 8% (5% in constant 
      currencies). Excluding the charges described above of $0.15 per share, 
      diluted earnings per share was $2.95, an increase of 14% (11% in constant 

Full year financial performance:

   -- Global comparable sales increased 9.0%, reflecting strong comparable 
      sales across all segments: 
          -- U.S. increased 8.7% 
          -- International Operated Markets segment increased 9.2% 
          -- International Developmental Licensed Markets segment increased 
   -- Consolidated revenues increased 10% (10% in constant currencies).


   -- Systemwide sales increased 10% (10% in constant currencies). 
   -- Consolidated operating income increased 24% (24% in constant currencies). 
      Results included $290 million of pre-tax charges related to the Company's 
      Accelerating the Arches growth strategy, including restructuring costs 
      associated with Accelerating the Organization and $72 million of pre-tax 
      charges related to the write-off of impaired software no longer in use. 
      Excluding these current year charges, as well as prior year pre-tax 
      charges and gains of $1.3 billion and $271 million, respectively, 
      consolidated operating income increased 16% (16% in constant 
   -- Diluted earnings per share was $11.56, an increase of 39% (38% in 
      constant currencies). Excluding the current year charges described above 
      of $0.38 per share, diluted earnings per share was $11.94, an increase of 
      18% (18% in constant currencies) when also excluding prior year charges 
      and gains and a tax settlement.**

*Refer to page 5 for a definition of Systemwide sales.

**Refer to pages 3 and 4 for additional details on our results for the fourth quarter and full year 2023 and 2022.


                                              Quarters Ended December 31, 
                                                      2023            2022 
------------------------------------------   -------------  -------------- 
U.S.                                                 4.3 %          10.3 % 
International Operated Markets                         4.4            12.6 
International Developmental Licensed 
 Markets & Corporate                                   0.7            16.5 
   Total                                             3.4 %          12.6 % 
-------------------------------------------  -------------  -------------- 
   -- U.S.: Comparable sales results benefited from strong average check growth 
      driven by strategic menu price increases. Successful restaurant level 
      execution, effective menu and marketing campaigns and continued digital 
      and delivery growth contributed to strong comparable sales results. 
   -- International Operated Markets: Segment performance was driven by strong 
      comparable sales in most markets, led by the U.K., Germany and Canada, 
      partly offset by negative comparable sales in France. 
   -- International Developmental Licensed Markets: Segment performance 
      reflected positive comparable sales in all geographic regions, with the 
      exception of the Middle East, which was impacted by the war in the 
 Dollars in millions, except per share data 
                             Quarters Ended December 31,                             Years Ended December 31, 
--------------   ----------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------- 
                                                       Inc/ (Dec)                                             Inc/ (Dec) 
                                                        Excluding                                              Excluding 
                                            Inc/         Currency                                  Inc/         Currency 
                        2023         2022  (Dec)      Translation             2023          2022  (Dec)      Translation 
--------------   -----------  -----------  -----      -----------      -----------  ------------  -----      ----------- 
Revenues           $ 6,406.2    $ 5,926.5      8%               6%      $ 25,493.7    $ 23,182.6     10%              10% 
 income              2,801.9      2,582.7      8                6         11,646.7       9,371.0     24               24 
Net income           2,039.0      1,903.4      7                5          8,468.8       6,177.4     37               37 
Earnings per 
 share-diluted   $      2.80  $      2.59      8%               5%     $     11.56  $       8.33     39%              38% 
---------------  -----------  -----------  -----      -----------      -----------  ------------  -----      -----------

Results for 2023 included the following:

   -- Pre-tax charges of $72 million, or $0.08 per share, for the quarter and 
      the year, related to the write-off of impaired software no longer in use 
   -- Pre-tax charges of $66 million, or $0.07 per share, for the quarter and 
      $290 million, or $0.30 per share, for the year, related to the Company's 
      Accelerating the Arches growth strategy, including restructuring costs 
      associated with its internal effort to modernize ways of working 
      (Accelerating the Organization)

Results for 2022 included the following:

   -- Pre-tax charges of $1,281 million, or $1.44 per share, for the year, 
      related to the sale of the Company's business in Russia 
   -- Pre-tax gain of $271 million, or $0.40 per share, for the year, related 
      to the Company's sale of its Dynamic Yield business 
   -- $537 million, or $0.73 per share, for the year, of nonoperating expense 
      related to the settlement of a tax audit in France

Excluding the above items, results for both periods reflected strong operating performance driven primarily by higher sales-driven Franchised margins.


 Dollars in millions, except per share data 
                                                      Quarters Ended December 31, 
-------------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                        Net Income                               Earnings per share - diluted 
                                                       Inc/ (Dec)                                        Inc/ (Dec) 
                                                        Excluding                                         Excluding 
                                            Inc/         Currency                             Inc/         Currency 
                          2023       2022  (Dec)      Translation           2023       2022  (Dec)      Translation 
-------------------  ---------  ---------  -----      -----------      ---------  ---------  -----      ----------- 
GAAP                 $ 2,039.0  $ 1,903.4      7%               5%     $    2.80  $    2.59      8%               5% 
   (Gains)/charges       105.6         --                                   0.15         -- 
   Tax Settlement           --         --                                     --         -- 
Non-GAAP             $ 2,144.6  $ 1,903.4     13%              10%     $    2.95  $    2.59     14%              11% 
-------------------  ---------  ---------  -----      -----------      ---------  ---------  -----      ----------- 
                                                          Years Ended December 31,
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