Chevron(CVX.US) Q4 2023 Earnings Conference

The following is a summary of the Chevron Corporation (CVX) Q4 2023 Earnings Call Transcript:

Financial Performance:

  • Chevron reported an adjusted ROCE of 14%, returning a record $26 billion cash to shareholders in 2023.
  • Q4 2023 production was 867,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day.
  • The company had Q4 earnings of $2.3 billion, while adjusted earnings were $6.5 billion.
  • Adjusted earnings were $730 million higher than the previous quarter, mainly due to higher liftings coupled with record quarterly production.
  • Full-year adjusted earnings dropped near $12 billion from the prior year due to lower prices.
  • The balanced sheet remained strong, with a net debt ratio comfortably in the single digits.
  • The company successfully delivered its four financial priorities, including an 8% increase in dividends and reducing debt by over $4 billion.

Business Progress:

  • Chevron expects a 2% to 4% decrease in 1H production, but plans to reach around 900,000 barrels per day by year-end.
  • The company is set to integrate PDC Energy and is focusing on the Hess transaction.
  • Chevron is working on lowering its carbon footprint, with significant projects in hydrogen and carbon capture.
  • The company expects to hit a production rate of one million barrels of oil equivalent per day by 2025.
  • Chevron met its production guidance for the Permian operations and achieved record quarterly production.
  • Chevron plans to accelerate its investment in cloud infrastructure.
  • The company is proactively exploring improvements and learning opportunities across basins.
  • Despite pressure in gas markets and petrochemicals sector, Chevron had a stronger Q4 performance than expected.
  • The integration of PDC Energy is expected to bring stability to Chevron’s operations.
  • The company plans to see growth in the DJ Basin along with continued organic growth in the Permian.
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