Exxon Mobil Announces 2023 Results

ExxonMobil Announces 2023 Results

   --  Delivered industry-leading 2023 earnings of $36.0 billion1, generated 
      $55.4 billion of cash flow from operating activities and distributed 
      $32.4 billion to shareholders 
   --  Leading industry in compounded annual growth rate for earnings excl. 
      identified items and cash flow since 2019 2 
   --  Increased Guyana and Permian production by 18% vs. 2022 and achieved 
      record annual refinery throughput 3 
   --  Strengthened portfolio with $4.1 billion of non-core asset divestments, 
      and two acquisitions; one that accelerates Low Carbon Solutions and one 
      that will transform the Upstream business4 
   --  Launched new MobilTM Lithium business with the potential to supply up 
      to one million EVs per year by 2030 
SPRING, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--February 02, 2024--

Exxon Mobil Corporation (NYSE:XOM):

Results Summary 
              Change          Change    Dollars in                          Change 
                 vs              vs     millions (except                       vs 
 4Q23   3Q23    3Q23    4Q22    4Q22    per share data)      2023    2022     2022 
                                        Earnings (U.S. 
7,630  9,070  -1,440  12,750  -5,120    GAAP)              36,010  55,740  -19,730 
                                        Identified Items 
9,963  9,117    +846  14,035  -4,072    (non-GAAP)         38,572  59,101  -20,529 
                                        Earnings Per 
 1.91   2.25   -0.34    3.09   -1.18    Common Share         8.89   13.26    -4.37 
                                        Earnings Excl. 
                                        Identified Items 
                                        Per Common Share 
 2.48   2.27   +0.21    3.40   -0.92    (non-GAAP)           9.52   14.06    -4.54 
                                        Capital and 
7,757  6,022  +1,735   7,463    +294    Expenditures       26,325  22,704   +3,621 
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Exxon Mobil Corporation today announced fourth-quarter 2023 earnings of $7.6 billion, or $1.91 per share assuming dilution. Fourth-quarter results included unfavorable identified items of $2.3 billion including a $2.0 billion impairment as a result of regulatory obstacles in California that have prevented production and distribution assets from coming back online. Impairments were partly offset by favorable tax and divestment-related items. Earnings excluding identified items were $10.0 billion, or $2.48 per share assuming dilution. For the full year 2023, the company reported earnings of $36.0 billion, or $8.89 per share assuming dilution.

“Our consistent strategy and execution excellence across the business delivered industry-leading earnings and enabled us to return more cash to shareholders than our peers in 2023 (1) ,” said Darren Woods, chairman and chief executive officer.

“These results demonstrate the fundamental improvements we’ve made to our business, reflecting our progress in high-grading our portfolio through investments in advantaged projects and select divestments, while, at the same time, driving a higher level of efficiency and effectiveness throughout the business. The foundation of our success comes from the resiliency, hard work and commitment of our people. As I reflect on our industry-leading results over the past year, I have a great sense of pride in what our people accomplished.”

(1)   Reported earnings, share buybacks and total dividends paid measured for 
      2023. 2023 figures for the industry peer group are actuals for companies 
      that reported results on or before February 1, 2024, or estimated using 
      either Bloomberg consensus as of February 1st or company-announced 
      programs for share buybacks. Shareholder distributions is defined as 
      dividends and share purchases. Industry peer group includes BP, Chevron, 
      Shell and TotalEnergies. 
(2)   Adjusted net income and cash flow from operations sourced from Bloomberg 
      for the industry peer group. 2023 figures for the industry peer group 
      are actuals for companies that reported results on or before February 1, 
      2024, or estimated using Bloomberg consensus as of February 1st. 
      Industry peer group includes BP, Chevron, Shell and TotalEnergies. 
(3)   Best-ever annual global refining throughput (2000 - 2023) since Exxon 
      and Mobil merger in 1999, based on current refinery circuit. 
(4)   Announced agreement to merge with Pioneer Natural Resources in October 
      2023. Transaction is expected to close in the second quarter of 2024, 
      pending regulatory and Pioneer shareholder approval. 
(5)   Assuming dilution.

Financial Highlights

   --  Fourth-quarter earnings were $7.6 billion versus $9.1 billion in the 
      third quarter. Identified items decreased earnings by $2.3 billion mainly 
      from asset impairments, partly offset by favorable tax and 
      divestment-related items. Earnings excluding identified items were $10.0 
      billion, an increase of $0.8 billion from the third-quarter. Results 
      strengthened on favorable derivative mark-to-market impacts, improved 
      volume and mix driven by advantaged Guyana and Permian assets, and 
      stronger chemical margins. These factors were partly offset by lower 
      industry refining margins and seasonally higher expenses. 
   --  Delivered full-year 2023 earnings of $36.0 billion and return on 
      capital employed of 15%. 
   --  Achieved $9.7 billion of cumulative structural cost savings in 2023 
      versus 2019, exceeding the $9 billion plan with an additional $2.3 
      billion of savings during the year and $0.7 billion during the quarter. 
      The company plans to deliver cumulative savings totaling $15 billion 
      through the end of 2027. 
   --  Generated strong cash flow from operations of $13.7 billion and free 
      cash flow of $8.0 billion in the fourth quarter. For the full year, cash 
      increased $1.9 billion with free cash flow of $36.1 billion. 
      Peer-leading1 2023 shareholder distributions of $32.4 billion included 
      $14.9 billion of dividends, and $17.4 billion of share repurchases 
      consistent with announced plans. 
   --  The Corporation declared a first-quarter dividend of $0.95 per share, 
      payable on March 11, 2024, to shareholders of record of Common Stock at 
      the close of business on February 14, 2024. Including the 4% increase in 
      fourth-quarter dividend, the company has increased its annual dividend 
      for a peer-leading1 41 consecutive years. 
   --  The debt-to-capital ratio was 16%, and the net-debt-to-capital ratio 
      was 5%, reflecting a period-end cash balance of $31.6 billion. 
   --  The company continued to strengthen its portfolio with the closing of 
      the East Texas upstream assets divestment in the fourth quarter. Total 
      asset sales and divestments generated $4.1 billion of cash proceeds 
      during the year. 
   --  Capital and exploration expenditures were $7.8 billion in the fourth 
      quarter, bringing full-year 2023 expenditures to $26.3 billion, slightly 
      above the top end of the guidance range, as the company opportunistically 
      accelerated activities in the advantaged Permian and Guyana assets, and 
      entered a new lithium business. 
(1)   Share buybacks and total dividends paid measured for 2023. 2023 figures 
      for the industry peer group are actuals for companies that reported 
      results on or before February 1, 2024, or estimated using either 
      Bloomberg consensus as of February 1st or company-announced programs for 
      share buybacks. Shareholder distributions is defined as dividends and 
      share purchases. Industry peer group includes BP, Chevron, Shell and 


Progress Toward Net Zero

   --  In the Permian Basin, ExxonMobil made great progress on the plan to 
      achieve net zero GHG emissions by 2030. In 2023, the company electrified 
      all of its drilling fleet and replaced over 6,000 natural-gas-driven 
      pneumatic devices in its unconventional operated assets. In addition, 
      ExxonMobil also deployed its first electric fracturing units to further 
      reduce emissions intensity, and signed additional long-term agreements 
      enabling renewable power capacity to support operations. In the quarter, 
      the company also launched a high-altitude monitoring balloon with 
      advanced imaging technology and data processing platforms that has the 
      potential to provide continuous, real-time methane detection. These 
      efforts support ExxonMobil's industry-leading plans to achieve net-zero 
      Scope 1 and 2 emissions from its unconventional operations in the Permian 
      by 2030.


   --  In the fourth quarter, ExxonMobil announced its new MobilTM Lithium 
      business with plans to become a leading producer and grow U.S.-based 
      supplies of lithium for the global battery and EV markets. The company's 
      advanced production approach has the potential to produce vast supplies 
      of lithium with fewer environmental impacts than traditional mining 
      operations1. Work is underway for the first phase of lithium production 
      in southwest Arkansas, an area known to hold significant lithium 
   --  The company is planning first production for 2027. By 2030, ExxonMobil 
      aims to produce enough MobilTM Lithium with the potential to supply 
      approximately one million EVs per year.
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